Welcome to the official website of YouTube's Animal Man Survivor and home of New England's premier traveling survival school!

Emergency Preparedness Course

Come learn how to get you and your family more prepared for emergencies!  But why, you say?  It will never happen to me!  

People tend to get very comfortable in their day-to-day routines and think that nothing bad will ever happen to them.  There is a name for this:  It's called "Normalcy Bias" and it can be a very dangerous way to think.  The truth is that personal emergencies, family emergencies, natural disasters, etc happen everyday.  Well, chances are that it's just a matter of time before one of them happens to you or your family.

Do you have health insurance?  Car insurance?  Homeowners insurance?  Life insurance?  If you are a business owner, you no doubt have liability insurance.  You probably understand where I'm going with this.  Insurance policies are simply part of being a responsible adult in today's world, right?  So why do people not think it's just as important to make sure you have the basic necessities of life such as food, water, and a first aid kit?  Going along with this line of thinking, storing food, water,first aid supplies,etc for your family is just part of your duty as a responsible adult.  

In this 2 hour course you can expect to learn:

*How to shelter in place &stay warm anywhere

*Water- storage, acquisition & purification

*How to heat & cool yourself and your home

*Food Storage- what to store and how to store it

*How to power electronics in an emergency


*First aid & first aid kits


This program can be indoors or outdoors.  Ages 10 & up.  

Please contact us for pricing & availability.

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